Jul 2024

Comprehensive Guide: Why Businesses Are Wasting Time and Energy on Social Media Marketing and How to Fix It

This comprehensive guide provides a balanced view of the challenges and benefits of social media marketing, offering actionable steps and tools to help your business maximize its social media potential.


In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, social media often seems like an essential tool for business growth. However, it can also be a significant drain on resources if not utilized effectively. This guide aims to shed light on why social media marketing may not be working for your business and offers actionable strategies to maximize its potential.

The Prelude: The Social Media Dilemma

Entrepreneurs often find themselves in a love-hate relationship with social media. It promises vast reach and engagement but can also lead to wasted time, money, and energy. Let’s delve into the core issues:

  1. The Perceived Time Sink

Problem: Social media can consume hours of your day, leading to missed deadlines and reduced productivity. Solution:

  • Set Specific Goals: Define what you aim to achieve with your social media efforts (e.g., brand awareness, lead generation).
  • Schedule Your Posts: Use tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to plan and automate your posts, freeing up valuable time.
  • Limit Time Spent: Allocate specific times of the day for social media activities to avoid endless scrolling.
  1. The Costly Investment

Problem: Social media advertising and content creation can be expensive, with a slow or negligible return on investment (ROI). Solution:

  • Budget Wisely: Invest in platforms that align with your business goals. For example, LinkedIn for B2B and Instagram for B2C.
  • Monitor ROI: Use analytics tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights to track performance and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Leverage Organic Reach: Focus on creating valuable content that encourages organic engagement and sharing.
  1. The Energy Drain

Problem: Managing social media can be mentally and emotionally exhausting without immediate visible benefits. Solution:

  • Delegate Tasks: Consider hiring a social media manager or using a virtual assistant from platforms like Upwork or Fiverr.
  • Batch Content Creation: Create multiple pieces of content in one sitting to streamline the process.
  • Engage Authentically: Focus on meaningful interactions rather than just promoting your products.
  1. The Elusive Authenticity

Problem: Maintaining authenticity while navigating algorithm-driven environments can be challenging. Solution:

  • Be Genuine: Share stories, behind-the-scenes content, and user-generated content to build a connection with your audience.
  • Stay Consistent: Regularly post content that aligns with your brand values and voice.
  1. The Unpredictable Outcomes

Problem: Social media can be unpredictable, making it hard to rely on for consistent results. Solution:

  • Experiment and Adapt: Test different types of content and posting times to see what works best.
  • Use Data to Drive Decisions: Regularly review analytics to understand what resonates with your audience and pivot strategies as needed.
  1. The Balancing Act

Problem: Balancing social media efforts with other business responsibilities can be overwhelming. Solution:

  • Prioritize Platforms: Focus on one or two platforms where your target audience is most active.
  • Integrated Strategy: Ensure your social media strategy aligns with your overall marketing and business goals.

The Other Side of the Coin: The Benefits of Social Media

While social media has its challenges, it also offers significant benefits when used effectively:

  1. Building Brand Awareness

Social media can exponentially increase your brand’s reach. By consistently sharing valuable content, you can attract a global audience.

  1. Cost-Effective Marketing

Use cost-effective strategies like influencer marketing and user-generated content to expand your reach without breaking the bank.

  1. Genuine Connections

Engage with your audience authentically to build loyalty and long-term relationships.

  1. Measurable Results

Utilize real-time analytics to track engagement, monitor campaign performance, and make data-driven decisions.

  1. Brand Personality and Authenticity

Showcase your brand’s values and mission authentically to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

  1. Networking Opportunities

Leverage social media to network with industry experts, potential collaborators, and like-minded individuals.

Actionable To-Dos and Helpful Apps

To make the most of your social media efforts, consider these actionable steps and tools:

  1. Define Clear Goals: Establish specific, measurable objectives for your social media activities.
  2. Use Scheduling Tools: Tools like Buffer and Hootsuite can help automate your posts.
  3. Monitor Performance: Regularly use analytics tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights to track your social media performance.
  4. Engage with Your Audience: Use platforms like Sprout Social to manage interactions and engage with your audience effectively.
  5. Leverage Content Creation Tools: Tools like Canva and Adobe Spark can help you create visually appealing content quickly.
  6. Delegate and Outsource: Hire freelancers or virtual assistants from Upwork or Fiverr to manage your social media tasks.
  7. Stay Updated: Keep abreast of social media trends and platform updates to adapt your strategy accordingly.


Social media can be a double-edged sword for businesses. By understanding the common pitfalls and implementing effective strategies, you can transform social media from a time and energy sink into a powerful tool for business growth. With the right approach, social media can significantly enhance your brand presence, drive engagement, and ultimately contribute to your business success.

For more insights, consider reading resources like the Intero Digital Report on SMB digital marketing trends and strategies for 2024.


Jul 2024

Consumer Usage of Social Media Platforms is Shifting – Again

Discover the latest trends in social media platform usage and their implications for branding. Recent data reveals significant shifts that business owners and their marketing teams must understand to stay ahead.

Key Findings from the Sprout Social Consumer Pulse Survey

The latest Consumer Pulse survey by Sprout Social indicates a noteworthy shift in social media platform preferences among users. Notably, Instagram (65%) has overtaken Facebook (64%) as the most popular platform among the 2,059 surveyed consumers.

Demographic Insights

The survey’s participants included 1,009 US consumers and 1,050 UK consumers, each with at least one social media account and following a minimum of five brands. While not a global or perfectly representative sample, the findings still offer valuable insights. The survey demographics were segmented as follows:

  • Gen Z (18-24 years): 519 participants
  • Millennials (25-40 years): 757 participants
  • Gen X (41-56 years): 502 participants
  • Baby Boomers (57-75 years): 281 participants

Social Media Usage by Age Group

Analyzing social media usage by age group reveals distinct preferences:

  • Gen Z: Most frequently uses Instagram, followed by TikTok, Snapchat, and Facebook.
  • Millennials: Favors Instagram, followed by Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.
  • Gen X: Prefers Facebook, then Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.
  • Baby Boomers: Uses Facebook the most, followed by YouTube, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter).

A significant observation is that 45% of consumers have taken a “social media detox” in the past six months, with 51% planning to do so in the next six months. This trend highlights a growing need for temporary breaks due to reasons like mental health and social media fatigue.

Engagement Trends Across Generations

The survey provides insights into which content formats engage different age groups the most:

  • Gen Z: Engages primarily with Instagram Reels (83%), Instagram Stories (81%), and TikTok posts (78%).
  • Millennials: Shows similar trends, engaging most with Instagram Reels (77%), Instagram Stories (77%), and TikTok posts (68%).
  • Gen X: Prefers Facebook videos (67%), Instagram Reels (59%), and Instagram Stories (59%).
  • Baby Boomers: Engages most with Facebook videos (61%), Facebook Live (41%), Instagram Reels (41%), and Instagram Stories (41%).

Note: This is a significant shift in platform preference. It is age dependent. Older people still use Facebook while younger people prefer Instagram. Depending on your target audience you may need to adjust your social media marketing strategy.

 Interestingly, despite YouTube Shorts averaging over 70 billion daily views, this format did not feature prominently in engagement metrics, possibly due to differing measurement criteria. Sprout Social defines engagement as interactions like clicks, shares, and comments, rather than just views.

Preferred Content Formats

According to the survey, the most entertaining types of brand content are:

  • Edutainment: Educational content presented in an entertaining manner (65.5%).
  • Memes: Humorous and relatable posts (40%).
  • Serialized Content: Ongoing series of posts (38%).
  • One-off Video Skits: Single, standalone video pieces (38%).
  • Interactive Content: Polls, stickers, and other interactive elements (34%).

Contrary to the trend of “lo-fi” content, which is raw and unpolished, the survey suggests that production quality still significantly impacts consumer engagement.

The Role of AI in Content Creation

The proliferation of AI-generated content is a concern for many consumers, with 83% agreeing it contributes to the saturation of social media and 80% believing it exacerbates misinformation. Most consumers feel that AI-generated content should be disclosed, though opinions vary on who should be responsible for this – 33% say brands, 29% say social networks, and only 6% think no disclosure is necessary. Notably, 46% of consumers are less likely to buy from brands that use undisclosed AI-generated content.

Reasons for Unfollowing Brands

Consumers are most likely to unfollow brands due to:

Younger consumers tend to unfollow influencers for posting too little, while older consumers are more likely to unfollow for posting too much.

Moving Beyond Demographics

While demographic targeting remains a common strategy, it has limitations due to the diversity within age groups. Alternative targeting methods, such as psychographics and behavioral data, offer more nuanced and effective ways to reach specific audiences.


Take-Home Message

Understanding these shifts and trends in social media usage is crucial for businesses aiming to engage effectively with their target audiences. By staying informed and adapting strategies accordingly, business owners can navigate the ever-evolving social media landscape successfully.

Need Help with Social Media Marketing?


We’ll have a chat to figure out where you are in your social media efforts, where you’d like to be, and map out a road to get you there.

Feb 2023

Actionable Strategies from the #1 Digital Marketing Agency

Revolutionize Your Digital Marketing in 2023

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has become increasingly important in recent years, and as we move into 2023, it is crucial for businesses to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices to ensure they are reaching their target audience effectively. If you’re taxed for time, the best solution is to hire a digital marketing agency. But if you have the time, this article will help you.  We will cover how marketers are spending their money in 2023, what we learned in 2022, and where SEO is going in 2023. Additionally, we will share five no-brainer SMS and email marketing strategies you should implement today and 10 brilliant social ad strategies to outsmart your competition.

How Marketers Are Spending Their Money in 2023

As digital marketing continues to evolve, so do the ways in which marketers spend their money. According to a recent study, the top areas where marketers plan to increase their spending in 2023 include social media advertising, video advertising, content marketing, and email marketing.

One of the reasons social media advertising is becoming increasingly popular is due to its targeting capabilities. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow businesses to target their ads to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, making it easier to reach the right audience with the right message.

Video advertising is also on the rise, with more businesses turning to platforms like YouTube and TikTok to reach their audience through engaging and shareable video content. In fact, it’s estimated that by 2023, video advertising will account for more than 82% of all internet traffic.

Content marketing and email marketing are also expected to see a rise in spending, as businesses look to build strong relationships with their audience through valuable and informative content. Email marketing remains a popular choice for businesses, as it continues to offer a high return on investment (ROI) with an average ROI of $42 for every $1 spent.


Want help with your digital marketing?


Lessons Learned in 2022 and Where SEO Is Going in 2023

In 2022, we saw a shift towards user-focused SEO, with search engines like Google placing a greater emphasis on user experience (UX) and relevance. In 2023, we can expect to see this trend continue, with search engines prioritizing sites that provide a high-quality user experience, as well as relevant and informative content.

One of the biggest changes we can expect to see in 2023 is the increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) in search algorithms. With AI, search engines will be better able to understand the context of a user’s search query, allowing them to deliver more relevant results.

Another trend to watch out for is the growing importance of mobile optimization. As more people access the internet through their mobile devices, it’s essential for businesses to ensure their website is optimized for mobile users.

5 Simple SMS and Email Marketing Strategies You Should Implement Today

Personalization – One of the most effective ways to increase engagement with your audience is through personalization. By addressing your subscribers by name and tailoring your messaging to their interests, you can build stronger relationships and drive more conversions.

Segmentation – Segmenting your email and SMS lists based on subscriber behavior and demographics can help you deliver more targeted and relevant messages. This, in turn, can lead to higher open and click-through rates, as well as increased conversions.

Automated Emails and SMS – Automated emails and SMS messages can help you save time while delivering timely and relevant content to your subscribers. Some examples of automated messages include welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, and post-purchase follow-ups.

Timing – Timing is everything when it comes to email and SMS marketing. By sending messages at the right time, you can increase the likelihood of your subscribers opening and engaging with your content. This may vary depending on your audience and the type of message you’re sending, so be sure to test and optimize your send times.

Mobile Optimization – With more and more people accessing their emails and SMS messages on mobile devices, it’s essential to optimize your messages for mobile. This means using a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and making sure your messages are easy to read and interact with on a mobile device.

10 Effective Social Ad Strategies to Outsmart Your Competition

Use A/B Testing – A/B testing can help you determine which ad creatives, copy, and targeting options perform best with your audience. By testing different variations, you can optimize your campaigns and increase your ROI.

Leverage User-Generated Content – User-generated content (UGC) can be a powerful tool for social advertising. By featuring UGC in your ads, you can build trust with your audience and showcase your product or service in a more authentic way.

Retargeting – Retargeting allows you to reach people who have already shown an interest in your business or product. By retargeting these users with relevant ads, you can increase the likelihood of them converting.

Use Lookalike Audiences – Lookalike audiences allow you to target people who are similar to your existing customers. This can be an effective way to reach new prospects who are more likely to be interested in your business.

Experiment with Ad Formats – Social media platforms offer a variety of ad formats, including video, carousel, and canvas ads. By experimenting with different formats, you can find the ones that resonate best with your audience and drive the most conversions.

Localize Your Ads – If you have a brick-and-mortar store or serve a specific geographic area, localizing your ads can help you reach people in your target location. This can be done through targeting options or by using location-based keywords and ad copy.

Use Social Proof – Social proof, such as customer reviews and testimonials, can help build trust with your audience and increase the likelihood of them converting. Consider featuring social proof in your ads to increase their effectiveness.

Include Calls-to-Action – A clear call-to-action (CTA) can help drive conversions by telling your audience exactly what action to take. Make sure your ad includes a strong and relevant CTA that aligns with your campaign goals.

Monitor and Adjust – Social ad campaigns require ongoing monitoring and optimization to be successful. Regularly check your campaign metrics and adjust your targeting, ad creatives, and messaging as needed.

Measure ROI – To determine the success of your social ad campaigns, it’s essential to measure your ROI. By tracking your conversions and comparing them to your ad spend, you can identify which campaigns are most effective and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Digital marketing is constantly evolving, and it’s essential for businesses to stay up to date on the latest trends and best practices. By following the tips and strategies outlined above, you can develop a comprehensive and effective digital marketing strategy that helps you reach your target audience and drive conversions.

Sep 2022

The Stages of Potential Customer Search


Sales Funnel

Not all searches entered into Google or other search engines are equal. There are several important categories of searches that Internet users perform. In this article we focus on:

  1. Navigational queries
  2. Informational queries
  3. Transactional queries

We will discuss several stages your audience will move through as they progress from general interest to a specific preference and finally to a resolution of their needs. We will also see how several key search types aligned with audience intent and how you can utilize your knowledge of your audience to better drive the right traffic to your website. The best way to get inside the heads of searchers and figure out the types of queries they are using is to look at the stages of search and buyer intent throughout these stages.

This may change a little because a user isn’t always looking to buy something but the path and process will be similar. Users will start with a broad topic and gradually refine their search terms to be more specific as they discover exactly what they want. At the beginning of the purchase path, Organic Search helps customers gain awareness of your brand product or service. At this beginning stage, your potential customer has identified a need and is seeking a resolution. Let’s use an example potential customer to illustrate the search process.

The Awareness Stage

Let’s say Edward decides he needs a computer, but he doesn’t know what kind. Like most people, he turns to Google and enters the keywords best computers to buy. Looking through the search engine results; Edward quickly realizes that this search is too broad. To get the best results, he will need to refine his preferences and evaluate specific types of computers. Edward decides he would like a laptop instead of a desktop computer, so he refines his search to the best laptop to buy his results. He is shown a huge variety of different laptops and realizes he needs to narrow down his choices. There are different laptops for different uses. Some people use laptops for school. Others use laptops for gaming or graphic design. In this example, Edward decides he wants a gaming laptop, so he looks up gaming laptop reviews to help him decide on a specific choice. After reading reviews, Edward has decided on a specific laptop brand and model he wants.

The Comparative Shopping Stage

Occasionally, your potential customers will seek the best prices, the highest quality products, or the service provider or merchant with the best online reputation. In our example, Edward has narrowed his search and is homing in on the best gaming laptop based on customer reviews as well as the best vendor from whom to make the purchase.

The Purchase Stage

Edward is now in the purchase stage and searches for a specific laptop brand and model number.

So – your potential customers start with 1) general awareness of what you were looking for. They then 2) evaluate those choices and develop a specific preference. 3) They look into that preference and 4) decide and move on to the Purchase or Resolution Stage.

Having an Organic presence (via Organic SEO) is useful in all stages of the cycle but is more useful the closer you get to the actual purchase phase. You generally don’t need a lot of visibility during the initial stage of awareness, although it can be beneficial to have a brand presence here, so users recognize your brand or website later. It can be helpful to have organic visibility in both the evaluation and preference intent phase because the user may decide to convert and remember your site.

The purchase phase can be very beneficial to SEO visibility because this is where the user is actively looking to buy a product, hire a service provider, or perform a specific action. Their query means they do not have a specific site in mind for their purchase. If your site has visibility during this stage, you have a greater chance of attracting and converting users.

Stages of Consumer Search

Types of Search Queries and Searcher Intent

In addition to the stages of a search, you have specific types of search queries. Each type of search query has a different intent associated with it. These types of queries are navigational, informational, and transactional.

Navigational Queries

The first type of query is known as a navigational query. In this case, the user has a specific website in mind. Perhaps they have spent some time on a specific website in the past and enjoyed that site’s content. In this type of query, they search for the website or brand name directly and visit the brand’s website. Let’s use Adidas as an example. The high brand focus means that users are looking for your brand by exact name and will be more engaged with your website usually resulting in higher conversion rates.


Customer Reviews

Note: You should be constantly aware of your brand being mentioned on search engines results pages and social media platforms. A negative story about your brand may influence potential customers’ decision to visit your site let alone convert and make a purchase. You should also note that brand searches can pull up your Twitter account and your latest tweets. It’s important to ensure that your social media team always maintains brand focus on social channels and posts regularly.

Informational Queries

With these types of searches, people are looking to get a bit more information about a topic or to make an informed decision before making a purchase or hiring a service provider. This is the middle stage of the buying funnel. An example would be someone searching for reviews while looking to hire a local general contractor to install an HVAC system. Note that during this stage, users are more likely to notice suggested search queries. These are queries people have typed into Google when searching for a general contractor or a gaming laptop. When potential customers see the list of suggested queries, it may change the query they use. You can use suggested queries to generate potential content ideas for your website.

Transactional Queries

At this point, browsers are ready to make a purchase. They lean heavily on Google to provide the results they need for their search query. At this stage, your potential customer has decided to purchase a specific gaming laptop or hire a particular general contractor after reviewing all relevant information.

Note that not all transactional queries have to result in an actual transaction. Someone could be trying to sign up for a newsletter or create a free account. These are also steps along the road to becoming a paying customer.

These three types of queries are closely aligned with the stages of search and are great for ensuring that you are targeting the right keywords to match the searcher intent of your target audience and generating conversions

Jun 2022

Keyword Research and Strong Meta Header Tags & Meta Descriptions

If your website is not attracting the amount of traffic you’d like, a lack of keyword research and lack of or poorly written and organized Meta Data is the usual suspect.

  1. Meta Data
  2. Title Tags
  3. Header Tags
  4. Meta Descriptions

The first step in driving traffic to your website is to conduct thorough keyword research based on the words used by your ideal customers when they search for your products and/or services. That’s beating a dead horse at this point.  However, if you want Google to actually recognize your target keywords and present your website to those potential customers, you must optimize, that is, weave those targeted keywords into your site’s pages and be clever about it.

Meta Data. Think of it as a Table of Contents. When Google wants to know what a webpage is about, they take a read through , crawl, the table of contents in search of keywords that match search queries. Of the three elements of meta data, your title tag is the most important to Google, hence, the most important to everyone who matters. Here’s an example of the connection between a potential customer’s search intent and your title tag.

If someone is in the market for a design/build contractor in Miami, for example, and enters those keywords in a search:

search engines begin to search for websites that contain these keywords within their title tags. After all, what good is a search engine if it doesn’t find what I’m searching for.

  • Note that the keywords “Residential Design/Build…” are underlined and highlighted along with the company name. This is the site’s homepage title tag.
  • Note also that the keywords are BOLDED within the meta description (we’ll get to this later).
  • Final note on title tags: Although there isn’t a direct correlation between keyword-rich title tags and first place rankings on Google, if you search any competitive keyword or keyword phrase on Google, almost all of the top ranking results use exact keywords in their title tags. Idk
  • Final, final note: keep title tags under 60 characters, 55 characters is best.

Speaking of reading a text, all the best students know how to read quickly and efficiently. They never ever read a textbook straight through. The best ones use the SQ3R method or one similar to it. They read the title, then go through reading “Headings” and “Subheadings” to understand the structure and purpose of the text. Google is an excellent reader. Think of the H1 heading tag as you would the heading of a chapter in a textbook and the H2 as an important but subordinate subheading ( there’s also H3, H4, H5, H6, etc., but they are pretty insignificant as far a search engines are concerned). The H1 and H2 headings should be on each page of a website. They serve as the title of the page visible to both search engines and visitors. They inform both Google and visitors about the purpose and structure of the page. It makes sense, therefore, to “naturally” wrap these headers tags in the same keywords used in the title tag.  It adds a flow factor to the reading.

A friendly reminder – one size does not fit all. You do not optimize a website. You optimize each page of the site. Each page should have  its own distinct title tag, header tags, and meta description. If they do not, the site is perfectly positioned to get dinged in the head by Google for duplicate content, a BIG no-no. We must agree. Who enjoys reading the same content over and again?

Finally, Meta Descriptions, shh! It’s a secret. Meta descriptions cannot be seen on a website page or within a browser. It appears in search results under the title tag and URL. A meta description is the block of text that describes the content visitors will find on the corresponding webpage.

The keywords included in meta descriptions, those BOLDED, are not ranking factors. They do, however, match the keywords used by users in their search query. They can, therefore, be used to direct traffic to your website thereby increasing your site’s click through rate (CTR), another important Google ranking factor.

Take-Home Message

It’s all about delivering value to the people who visit your website in search of information, services, or products. They are all looking for answers to solve an existing problem. Your job is to present valuable information that answers the call. If your site enhances the viewer’s experience, even just with heading tags and meta descriptions, this will lead to positive results for your company, the user, and the search engines.

By optimizing keywords into your website pages, it sends a signal to Google letting it know that your content is relevant, valuable, and trustworthy.

Final note, promise: If you do not write your own meta tags, Google will write them for you. They’re excellent readers but no so hot when it comes to writing.


Aug 2021

Inventory Records: Definition, Guide, and How-to Record Inventory

Inventory is the heart and soul of your business, and it’s constantly moving throughout the supply chain, including:

  • New batches of inventory entering your warehouse
  • Items getting fulfilled and shipped
  • More inventories being ordered, transported, received, and stored

Along with the type of products you sell, your warehouse location(s), and your inventory’s current value — keeping tabs on ecommerce inventory data and information at all times can be challenging, error-prone, and time-consuming. Yet when the accounting period ends, your accountant is going to expect accurate reporting. 

That’s why online brands ditch the manual work and implement technology that makes record-keeping a breeze.

In this article, we explore:

  • What inventory records entail
  • Why it’s important to consistently track inventory 
  • How to outsource inventory management

What are inventory records?

Inventory records are repositories of data pertaining to each item in a brand’s product line, including:

  • What’s in stock at the SKU level
  • What’s been sold and reordered
  • The product’s value
  • The inventory’s storage location
  • Other information that pertains to a business, such as work-in-process (WIP) inventory data

Each entry must have a description of the SKU along with relevant data. These records are either created manually or digitally.

Why it’s important to keep up-to-date inventory records

Keeping proper inventory records provides better inventory control and visibility into inventory as changes occur.

Since inventory is noted as an asset in a business’s balance sheets, you will be expected to provide accurate inventory information at the end of a fiscal year or accounting period.

Here is why every business owner should be keeping proper inventory records.

Ensures inventory tracking is accurate

Consistently keeping track of what’s leaving and entering the warehouse ensures inventory accuracy and inventory reconciliation.

Inaccurate inventory counts can lead to inventory shrinkage, or when stock is less than the recorded balance in the accounting record, and it can cause major discrepancies that can throw off profit margins and other financials.

Makes inventory accounting easier

Accurate inventory records make the inventory accounting process much more bearable.

Keeping track of inventory value and count is legally required of all retailers and manufacturers, as per the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and regulated by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).  

By maintaining a proper inventory record-keeping process, you’re also able to track changes in value, so you know how much your inventory is worth at the end of an accounting period.

Helps prevent items from going out of stock

Keeping up-to-date inventory records help you prevent stockouts and have a better understanding on when it’s time to reorder more inventory.

Keep in mind that not having enough inventory can cause out-of-stock issues but storing too much inventory can increase carrying costs  and lead you to potentially accumulate too much dead stock.

Since inventory is constantly moving throughout the ecommerce supply chain, the use of real-time inventory management technology makes it easier to check if all inventory is accounted for when comparing physical inventory and electronic records.

Being able to track inventory without the manual work can reduce risk while optimizing operational costs, including storage fees.

Prevents mistakes from being made based off of bad data

If your records aren’t up-to-date, you and your team risk making important business decisions based on incorrect data.

By using technology to track inventory in real time, you can reduce mistakes by cutting out time-consuming, manual work.

Tracking inventory in real time can be done using inventory management solutions, including inventory apps or a more robust system like ERP inventory software. These systems allow you to aggregate data by connecting your upstream manufacturing activities with your downstream sales.

With real-time data tied to inventory, you’re also given the information needed to identify trends and forecast demand, so you can make better predictions on inventory reorder quantities and levels.

Tips for keeping accurate inventory records

Depending on the number of SKUs you sell, your order volume, and the size of your company, the complexity of inventory record-keeping varies.

No matter how intricate your business is, here are some of the top inventory management strategies you can implement.

Keep physical backups

An inventory audit is defined as the process of checking a company’s actual inventory levels against their financial records to ensure accurate inventory accounting. To make inventory auditing more efficient, it is helpful for retailers to keep physical records of all inventory along with online backups (or vice versa). 

Keeping original physical copies can be a legal requirement in some states. And it also secures your information in case of a situation where your cloud server’s integrity is compromised.

Get input from your accountant on what to record and how

Find an accountant you can trust and get their insights into how to keep inventory records for your business.

In most cases, the information you need during the accounting period includes COGS, raw materials (if applicable), beginning inventory, and the value of ending inventory (what’s left over at the end of an accounting period).

You can also ask your accountant for their advice on how to choose the best inventory valuation method  based on the type of products you sell and your typical sales volume.

Remain consistent in your accounting methods

There are many ways to track and record inventory. No matter what method you choose, the most important thing is to stay consistent to ensure accuracy. 

At the end of an accounting period or financial year, you will need to calculate how much your inventory is worth.

The most common valuation methods in ecommerce include: 

  • FIFO (first-in, first-out)
  • LIFO (last-in, first-out)
  • Inventory weighted average (WAC)
  • Specific identification method

Invest in inventory management software

When it comes to keeping records on inventory, you have two options:

  1. Update records after a designated accounting period (periodic inventory system)
  2. Continuously update the records with every transaction (perpetual inventory system)

As your business grows, adapting a perpetual inventory system is your best bet.

This can be done by investing in an inventory management software, which will help you track inventory flow in real time and record live updates without you lifting a finger.

What a good inventory management software should allow you to do

A powerful inventory management software makes inventory record-keeping a breeze.

By automating the tracking of all inventory and real-time changes, you can optimize inventory to meet demand and improve supply chain efficiency.

With the right software, you can easily download records and custom reports, so you have all the information you need when it’s time to meet with your accountant.

Here is a breakdown of how an inventory management software works.

Real-time views of inventory levels across all channels

As you expand your business, you most likely will branch out from selling exclusively on your online store.

Marketplaces (e.g., Amazon and Walmart) and social media platforms (e.g., Instagram and Facebook) provide direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands different avenues to sell through, so they can broaden their customer reach.

That’s why many merchants implement a multichannel inventory management software, which tracks inventory across channels and aggregates records all in one place. 

If you partner with a technology-enabled 3PL  you get access to built-in inventory management tools that also allow you to track inventory across channels and distribution centers in one place.

This allows merchants to spread inventory across multiple fulfillment centers and be able to track inventory in real time through one dashboard instead of relying on multiple sources.

Automatically generate inventory reports

Arguably, your inventory management software is only as good as the inventory reports it generates. Calculating and tracking these metrics in spreadsheets or through multiple different integrations can be troublesome. 

Inventory management technology automatically aggregates data, so you can pull custom reports whenever you need them.

For instance, many order fulfillment  platform automatically pulls reports and data on SKU velocity, inventory days on hand, inventory turnover rate, and much more. 

Set reorder points based on historical data

Inventory management software allows you to automatically set reorder point notifications, so you can replenish inventory on time without the need to be tracking inventory every hour or manually as each order is placed.

The software pulls insights from historical sales data to give you a better idea of when it will be time to reorder more inventory per SKU, so you can set a predetermined reorder point.