Website & SEO Audit Results for

On-Page SEO Results

Your On-Page SEO could be better

Your page has some level of On-Page SEO optimization but could be improved further. On-Page SEO is important to ensure Search Engines can understand your content appropriately and help it rank for relevant keywords. You should ensure that HTML Tag Content is completed correctly and align text content to target keywords.

Title Tag   |   FAILED                                                                                                                            

You have a title tag of optimal length (between 10 and 70 characters).
“Residential Roofing Hampton Exteriors LLC”
Length : 41

However! Your title tag does not contain keywords that tells Google and other Search Engines what the company does or what keywords the page should rank for. Nor does it match searcher intent – what keywords do potential customers use when searching for your services/products. 

Meta Description Tag   |   FAILED                                                                                                              

A meta description is one of the most  important ranking signals for search engines. It helps search engines understand the content of your page and what keywords it should rank for so that they can more accurately match Searcher Intent. It is often shown as the description text blurb on the search results page. What’s written there determines whether a searcher clicks over to your website.

Your page has a meta description tag, however, your meta description should ideally be between 70 and 160 characters (including spaces). More importantly, your meta description talks more about the history and ownership of your company than about its services – which is how people search. 

Make your Meta Description text interesting and easy to comprehend. Use phrases and keywords relevant to the page and user that you would like to rank for.

“Hampton Exteriors, LLC has been established in the Twin Cities roofing sector for several years as the perennial leader of roofing materials and workmanship. Hampton Exteriors is a 3rd generation construction company that has been serving the Twin Cities and surrounding areas for over 30 years. We are a family owned business and we strive to make you feel as if you are part of our family.”

Length : 391

SERP Snippet – Preview       


The SERP Snippet illustrates how your page is shown in Search Results for a particular query. Typically the page’s Title, URL and Meta Description are the main components of a SERP Snippet. Search Engines use snippets to  better represent webpage content to their searchers.

It’s important that the SERP Snippet is enticing for your searchers to click on, and accurately represents your content to avoid bounces or heavy re-writing by the Search Engine. You should keep these factors in mind when populating the page Title, Meta Description and URL.

Language   |   PASSED                                                                                                                                      

Your page is using the lang attribute.
Declared: English

H1 Header Tag Usage   |   FAILED                                                                                                                 

Your page does not have an H1 Header Tag.

The H1 Header Tag is an important way of signaling to search engines what your content is about, and subsequently the keywords it should rank for. Think of the H1 Tag as the title to the chapter of a book.

H2-H6 Header Tag Usage   |   FAILED                                                                                                   

Your page is not making use of multiple levels of Header Tags.

H2 and H3  header tags  function to organize the content of your page and signal to Search Engines the important content topics of your page, and subsequently the keywords it should rank for. Think of these header tags as subcategories of a book.

We recommend including at least 2 other Header Tag levels on your page (such as H2 and H3) in addition to the H1. It is useful to also include important keywords in these Header Tags.

Keyword Consistency   |   FAILED                                                                                                               

Your page content should be focused around particular keywords you would like to rank for. Ideally these keywords should also be distributed across tags such as the title, meta and header tags. The keywords on your pages do not match Search Intent and therefore are not ranked by Google and other Search Engines.

Individual Keywords


Generally, a page should be targeted to rank for particular set of keywords or phrases. These keywords should be used with some consistency in page content (naturally and without keyword stuffing – DO NOT USE YOUR KEYWORDS MORE THAN 3 TIMES ON A PAGE) to maximize ranking potential for those keywords. This means these keywords should be present across the most important HTML tags (H1, H2, H3) of the page, and used with some frequency in the general page text content. The keyword consistency check illustrates the keywords we have identified appearing most frequently in these areas.

If the keywords and phrases identified don’t match your intended ranking keywords, and do not show a level of consistency, you should consider amending your core page content to better include these.

Amount of Content   | FAILED                                                                                                                         

Your page has a low volume of text content which search engines can interpret as ‘thin content’.

Word Count: 196

Numerous studies have shown that there is a relationship between the amount of content on a page (typically measured in word count) and it’s ranking potential – generally longer content will rank higher. As a general guideline, it is recommended to have at least 500 words of content on a page to give it some ranking potential.

Image Alt Attributes   |   FAILED                                                                                                                   

You have images on your page that are missing Alt attributes.

We found 12 images on your page and 2 of them are missing the attribute.  Search Engines use provided Alt Text to better understand the content of an image. Image SEO is not widely known, but having your image rank for image searches is an overlooked way of gaining traffic and backlinks to your site. We recommend adding useful and keyword rich Alt Text for pages’ main images, in particular those that could have ranking potential.

Canonical Tag   |   PASSED                                                                                                                                      

Your page is using the Canonical Tag.

Noindex Tag Test   | PASSED                                                                                                                        

Your page is not using the Noindex Tag which prevents indexing.

Noindex Header Test   |   PASSED                                                                                                                   

Your page is not using the Noindex Header which prevents indexing.

SSL Enabled   |   PASSED                                                                                                                                 

Your website has SSL enabled.

HTTPS Redirect   |   PASSED                                                                                                                               

Your page successfully redirects to a HTTPS (SSL secure) version.

Robots.txt   |   PASSED                                                                                                                                            

Your website appears to have a robots.txt file.

Blocked by Robots.txt   |   PASSED                                                                                                                  

Your page does not appear to be blocked by robots.txt.

XML Sitemaps   |   PASSED                                                                                                                              

Your website appears to have an XML sitemap.

Analytics   |   FAILED                                                                                                                                                

We could not detect an analytics tool installed on your page.

Website analytics tools like Google Analytics assist you in measuring, analyzing and ultimately improving traffic to your page. Consistently reviewing Web Analytics Tools allow you to analyze your website’s and SEO campaign’s performance and understand your visitors better. Structured Data   |   FAILED                                                                                                  

We have not detected any usage of on your website. Structured Data Markup is a collection of data tags that search engines have gotten together and created. This “secret language” can be added to your site to allow Search Engines to more easily interpret the content and use it to enhance Search Results.

For example there are tags for providing information about your Local Business such as address and phone number, or adding product information on e-commerce pages so that these products can be displayed in shopping aggregators like Google Shopping.

It is a good idea to start incorporating some relevant tags into your site to improve interpretation and display by Search Engines.

Total Traffic from Search   |   FAILED      


This shows you the Estimated Traffic Volume your page receives from its Keyword Rankings.

This is an estimate of the Monthly Visitors your site receives as a result of it’s Search Engine Rankings. The average desirable monthly traffic range is 1000 to 5000 visits.

Number of Backlinks   |   FAILED 

  • Internal Links: 13
  • External Links: 3

Backlinks are links to your site from another site. Search Engines can see these interconnections and use them as a strong signal of the importance and authority of your Webpage or content. Backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors, and in general, more links from authoritative websites will improve the ranking ability of your site. Building Backlinks can be a difficult and time consuming activity, though the rewards are large when done successfully.

NOTE:  All of your competitors’ websites rank higher on Google and other search engines than because they have more Backlinks!

We recommend having a strategy in place for Building Backlinks to your site. Some common methods including adding your site to relevant online directories, asking other sites to link to you, performing outreach and guest blogging on other websites or creating ‘lead magnet’ content that encourages linking.

On-Page Link Structure

We found 65 total links. 31% of your links are external links and are sending authority to other sites. 0% of your links are nofollow links, meaning authority is not being passed to those destination pages.

On-Page Link Structuring is a complex SEO topic with a variety of opinions covering how frequently you should link to external vs internal pages, and in which cases to use nofollow links. 

Some general principles in regards to link structuring include having a strong proportion of your links being pointed to internal pages, as well as explicitly using ‘Nofollow’ links for any external links that may be to lower quality sites where you don’t intend to pass value.


Your usability could be much better

Your page is OK but could be more usable across devices. Usability is important to maximize your available audience and minimize user bounce rates (which can indirectly affect your search engine rankings).


Device Rendering

This check visually demonstrates how your page renders on different devices. It is important that your page is optimized for mobile and tablet experiences as today the majority of web traffic comes from these sources.

A website can be viewed in a wide variety of resolutions and formats, some dictated by the size of a desktop display, and others by the specific dimensions of a phone or tablet model. Device rendering provides a preview of how the site looks on some popular device resolutions to help identify obvious issues. Note, our method will load a website and resize its portlet to several dimensions, as opposed to loading the site multiple times directly in different devices.

In general, a website should be designed and tested to be responsive across a large variety of desktop and mobile device resolutions, as well as being able to transition smoothly (for example when resizing a browser or flipping a tablet from vertical to horizontal).

Google’s PageSpeed Insights – Mobile   |   FAILED                                                                         

Google is indicating that your page is scoring poorly on their Mobile PageSpeed Insights evaluation.

Google has indicated that the performance of a webpage is becoming more important from a user and subsequently ranking perspective.


Google’s PageSpeed Insights – Desktop   |   FAILED                                                                     

Google is indicating that your page is scoring poorly on their Desktop PageSpeed Insights evaluation.

Google has indicated that the performance of a webpage is becoming more important from a user and subsequently ranking perspective.

Flash Used?   | PASSED                                                                                                                                 

No Flash content has been identified on your page.

iFrames Used?   |   PASSED                                                                                                                            

There are no iFrames detected on your page.

Favicon   |   PASSED                                                                                                                                           

Your page has specified a favicon.

Email Privacy   |   FAILED                                                                                                                                  

Email addresses have been found in plain text.

We recommend removing any plain text email addresses and replacing them with images or contact forms. Plain text email addresses can be susceptible to scrapers and email spammers.

Legible Font Sizes   |   FAILED                                                                                                                       

There is some text on your page that is small and may not be legible enough for particular users.

We recommend reviewing all text on your page in different devices to ensure that it is of appropriate size.

Tap Target Sizing   |   PASSED

The links and buttons on your page appear to be appropriately sized for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen.

Performance Results

Your performance is good.

Your page has performed well in our testing, meaning it should be reasonably responsive for your users, but there is still room for improvement. Performance is important to ensure a good user experience, and reduced bounce rates (which can also indirectly affect your search engine rankings).

Page Speed Info   |   PASSED                                                                                                                               

Your page loads in a reasonable amount of time.

Page Load Speed refers to the amount of time it takes to entirely load a webpage in a user’s browser. Page Load Speed impacts a user’s experience on a website and can directly impact bounce rate and conversions. Additionally, Search Engines are making Page Load Speed a ranking factor.

Download Page Size   |   PASSED                                                                                                                  

Your page’s file size is reasonably low which is good for Page Load Speed and user experience.

Download Page Size is one of the biggest contributors to Page Load Speed, which can directly affect rankings, user experience and conversions. It is important to ensure your Download File Size is as small as possible by removing unnecessary files and minifying and optimizing others. 5MB is a good metric to strive for, though modern websites are gradually increasing in size.

Social Results

Your social needs improvement

You have a weak social presence or level of social activity. Social activity is important for customer communication, brand awareness and as a marketing channel to bring visitors to your website. We recommend that you list all of your profiles on your page for visibility, and begin to build a following on those networks.

Creating Social Profiles as well as linking to these from your website can help to build trust in your business and provide other mediums to nurture your customer relationships.

Facebook Activity   |   FAILED                                                                                                                        

Your page has a link to a Facebook Page. Unfortunately, activity on the platform has been space (twice since April 1999). 

Facebook Open Graph Tags   |   FAILED                                                                                                 

We have not found Facebook Open Graph Tags on your page.

Facebook Open Graph Tags are a type of structured data that can be placed on your page to control what content is shown when a page is shared on Facebook.

Facebook Pixel   |   FAILED                                                                                                                                  

We have not detected a Facebook Pixel on your page.

Facebook’s Pixel is a useful piece of analytics code that allows you to retarget visitors if you decide to run Facebook Ads in future.

Twitter Activity   |   FAILED                                                                                                                                

No associated Twitter profile found as a link on your page.

Twitter Cards   |   FAILED                                                                                                                                      

We have not detected Twitter Cards on your page.

Twitter Cards are a type of structured data that can be placed on your page to control what content is shown when a page is shared on Twitter.

Instagram Activity   |   FAILED                                                                                                                          

No associated Instagram profile found linked on your page

LinkedIn Connected   |   FAILED                                                                                                                       

No associated LinkedIn profile found linked on your page.

YouTube Activity   |   FAILED                                                                                                                            

No associated YouTube channel found linked on your page.

Local SEO   |   FAILED                                                                                                

Your address and phone number are visible on the website. Unfortunately, due to the lack of SEO and Local SEO your site does not rank within the top 30 for any keyword relevant to your services or Search Intent.

Local Business Schema   |   FAILED

No Local Business Schema identified on the page.